Friday, April 02, 2004

Home Again

He's home again
how long is unknown
feeling disbelief at his voice
on the cell phone of the step-mother
he's home again

Finished policing in the desert
land for now
will he be sent back?
Welcome home
we're so glad you're home
safe and sound
we're able to hope.

The children too small
still to understand
the uncle had to raise a gun
the uncle had to kill
protecting the lives of others
driving miles in a humvee
with a dead friend beside him
covered in blood

He's home again
for how long?
We'll see him soon
he said. In a week or
two we'll see him
and he will be real
again. Like the horrible
letters, that forced
held back tears to
come forth, present themselves
fear for his life no longer
pray he will not be sent back
to that hell.

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